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Además ofrece acceso al  repositorio de preprints del IAC:

  • Galactic Globular Cluster Relative Ages
    Based on a new large, homogeneous photometric database of 34 Galactic globular clusters (GGCs plus Palomar 12), a set of distance- and reddening- independent relative age indicators has been measured. The observed δ(V-I)2.5 and ΔVHBTO versus metallicity relations have been compared with the relations predicted by two recently updated libraries of
    Rosenberg, A. et al.

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  • Galactic wind X-ray heating of the intergalactic medium during the Epoch of Reionization
    The diffuse soft X-ray emissivity from galactic winds is computed during the Epoch of Reionization (EoR). We consider two analytic models, a pressure-driven wind and a superbubble model, and a 3D cosmological simulation including gas dynamics from the First Billion Years (FiBY) project. The analytic models are normalized to match the diffuse X-ray
    Meiksin, A. et al.

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  • Galaxies-intergalactic medium interaction calculation - I. Galaxy formation as a function of large-scale environment
    We present the first results of hydrodynamical simulations that follow the formation of galaxies to the present day in nearly spherical regions of radius ~20h-1Mpc drawn from the Millennium Simulation (Springel et al.). The regions have mean overdensities that deviate by (-2, -1, 0, +1, +2)σ from the cosmic mean, where σ is the rms mass fluctuation
    Crain, Robert A. et al.

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