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  • Circular polarization of the CA II H and K lines in solar quiet and active regions
    A representative set of profiles is presented for the Ca II H resonace line in Stokes V and I, for the quiet sun, plages, sunspot umbrae, and a flare, as well as one example of the Ca II K line in a sunspot penumbra. The degree of polarization is highest in the spots and zero in the quiet sun, within error limits. The V profile asymmetries are
    Martinez Pillet, V. et al.

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  • Circum-nuclear gas flows in NGC 4151.
    We report broad-band imaging observations which reveal a circum-nuclear gas ring in NGC 4151. The ring is delineated by two arc-like features probably resulting from dust extinction of the background stellar continuum. These features are distributed along opposite quadrants of an elliptical ring which has a semi-major axis of length 1.8kpc and is
    Vila-Vilaro, B. et al.

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  • CLASP Constraints on the Magnetization and Geometrical Complexity of the Chromosphere-Corona Transition Region
    The Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha Spectro-Polarimeter (CLASP) is a suborbital rocket experiment that on 2015 September 3 measured the linear polarization produced by scattering processes in the hydrogen Lyα line of the solar disk radiation. The line-center photons of this spectral line radiation mostly stem from the chromosphere-corona transition
    Trujillo Bueno, J. et al.

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  • Climatological databases as a tool for the ELT site selection
    Climate diagnostic archives appears to be a very useful tool for astronomical site assessment. These climatological databases combine data from meteorological archives for different data sources (radiosoundings, satellites, etc) and meteorological models to derived any parameter at a particular selected location. Although the products from climate
    García-Lorenzo, Begoña M. et al.

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  • Close binary central stars and the abundance discrepancy - new extreme objects
    Recent work (Corradi et al. 2015; Jones et al. 2016) has shown that the phenomenon of extreme abundance discrepancies, where recombination line abundances exceed collisionally excited line abundances by factors of 10 or more, seem to be strongly associated with planetary nebulae with close binary central stars. To further investigate, we have
    Wesson, R. et al.

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  • Close-up of primary and secondary asteroseismic CoRoT targets and the ground-based follow-up observations
    To optimise the science results of the asteroseismic part of the CoRoT satellite mission a complementary simultaneous ground-based observational campaign is organised for selected CoRoT targets. The observations include both high-resolution spectroscopic and multicolour photometric data. We present the preliminary results of the analysis of the
    Uytterhoeven, K. et al.

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