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  • A search for interstellar anthracene towards the Perseus anomalous microwave emission region
    We report the discovery of a new broad interstellar (or circumstellar) band at 7088.8 +/- 2.0 Å coincident to within the measurement uncertainties with the strongest band of the anthracene cation (C14H10+) as measured in gas-phase laboratory spectroscopy at low temperatures. The band is detected in the line of sight of star Cernis 52, a likely
    Iglesias-Groth, S. et al.

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  • A Search for near Infrared Bands of the Fullerene Cation C_{60}^+ in the Protoplanetary Nebula IRAS 01005+7910
    IRAS 01005+7910 is a carbon-rich protoplanetary nebula with a recently reported detection of mid-IR vibrational transitions of the fullerene C60 by Zhang and Kwok. We present new high spectral resolution (R ~ 57, 000) observations of this object obtained at the 3.6 m Telescopio Nazionale Galileo, showing the presence of two absorption bands at 9577
    Iglesias-Groth, S. et al.

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  • A search for optical counterparts of hot spots in radio galaxies
    The search for optical emission from radio hot spots has a long history but, up to now, only very few hot spots with optical synchrotron radiation have been detected. We embarked on a project to search for optical hot spot emission with VLT. We present the first results of near-infrared and optical imaging observations which detected synchrotron
    Mack, Karl-Heinz et al.

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  • A search for planets in the old open cluster NGC 6791
    We describe the results of a search for transit-like events caused by giant planets occulting stars in the old, metal-rich open cluster NGC 6791 based on BVI-colour photometry from eight nights of observations with the 2.54 m Nordic Optical Telescope. To extract the light curves we have used both PSF photometry (DAOPHOT) and the difference imaging
    Bruntt, H. et al.

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  • A seismic and gravitationally bound double star observed by Kepler. Implication for the presence of a convective core
    Context. Solar-like oscillations have been observed by Kepler and CoRoT in many solar-type stars, thereby providing a way to probe stars using asteroseismology. Aims: The derivation of stellar parameters has usually been done with single stars. The aim of the paper is to derive the stellar parameters of a double-star system (HIP 93511), for which
    Appourchaux, T. et al.

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  • A signature of the donor star in the extra-galactic X-ray binary LMCX-2
    Two nights of phase-resolved medium-resolution Very Large Telescope spectroscopy of the extra-galactic low-mass X-ray binary LMCX-2 have revealed a 0.32 +/- 0.02 d spectroscopic period in the radial velocity curve of the HeII λ4686 emission line that we interpret as the orbital period. However, similar to previous findings, this radial velocity
    Cornelisse, R. et al.

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