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  • Photometric Observations and Modeling of Asteroid 1620 Geographos
    Photometric observations of 1620 Geographos in 1993 and 1994 are presented and, in combination with previously published data, are used to derive models of Geographos. We estimate that the sidereal period of rotation is 0.21763860 +/- 0.00000003 days (5^h13^m23.975^s +/- 0.003^s). The sense of rotation is retrograde. The ecliptic coordinates of the
    Magnusson, P. et al.

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  • Photometric Properties of the M33 Star Cluster System
    We present a catalog of 2990 extended sources in a 1° × 1° area centered on M33 using the MegaCam camera on the 3.6 m Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope. The catalog includes 599 new candidate stellar clusters, 204 previously confirmed clusters, 1969 likely background galaxies, and 218 unknown extended objects. We present ugriz integrated magnitudes of
    San Roman, Izaskun et al.

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  • Photometric study of ER VUL
    The authors present simultaneous UBVRI and infrared JHKL light curves of the short-period RS CVn system ER Vul, and study both the mean level and depths of eclipses. They also point out some peculiar features, present in the light curves over time, which are frequently shown by other RS CVn short-period systems at about the same phase values
    Arevalo, M. J. et al.

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  • Photometric study of the improved GRB 970815 error box
    An improved error box of GRB 970815 has been reported very recently (Smith et al.1999). This error box is consistent with the decaying X-ray source detected by ROSAT, which strongly supports the source as the GRB X-ray afterglow. We report a re-analysis of the follow up observations performed in 1997 containing the improved RXTE error box. No
    Gorosabel, J. et al.

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  • Photometric variability of a young, low-mass brown dwarf
    We report differential I-band and J-band photometry of S Ori 45, a cool (spectral type M8.5), young (1-8 Myr) brown dwarf of the sigma Orionis cluster with a likely mass estimated at around 20 times the mass of Jupiter. We detect variability (amplitudes ranging from 34 to 81 mmag) and observe a modulation at a period of 2.5-3.6 h in both optical
    Zapatero Osorio, M. R. et al.

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  • Photometric variability of LBV-candidate stars and Hubble-Sandage variables A, B, C and 2 in M 33
    We present the photometric history of some Luminous Blue Variable candidate stars in M 33. The search for outbursts was made in photographic plates taken in the B band of the galaxy M 33 and cover an eight year period, 1982-1990. Twenty five plates, separated into seven groups, have been used. CCD UBV magnitudes of the star UIT003 are presented
    Kurtev, R. G. et al.

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