Deheuvels, S.; Doğan, G.; Goupil, M. J.; Appourchaux, T.; Benomar, O.; Bruntt, H.; Campante, T. L.; Casagrande, L.; Ceillier, T.; Davies, G. R.; De Cat, P.; Fu, J. N.; García, R. A.; Lobel, A.; Mosser, B.; Reese, D. R.; Régulo, C.; Schou, J.; Stahn, T.; Thygesen, A. O.; Yang, X. H.; Chaplin, W. J.; Christensen-Dalsgaard, J.; Eggenberger, P.; Gizon, L.; Mathis, S.; Molenda-Żakowicz, J.; Pinsonneault, M.
Referencia bibliográfica
Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 564, id.A27, 24 pp.
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Context. We still do not understand which physical mechanisms are
responsible for the transport of angular momentum inside stars. The
recent detection of mixed modes that contain the clear signature of
rotation in the spectra of Kepler subgiants and red giants gives us the
opportunity to make progress on this question. Aims: Our aim is
to probe the radial dependence of the rotation profiles for a sample of
Kepler targets. For this purpose, subgiants and early red giants are
particularly interesting targets because their rotational splittings are
more sensitive to the rotation outside the deeper core than is the case
for their more evolved counterparts. Methods: We first extracted
the rotational splittings and frequencies of the modes for six young
Kepler red giants. We then performed a seismic modeling of these stars
using the evolutionary codes Cesam2k and astec. By using the observed
splittings and the rotational kernels of the optimal models, we inverted
the internal rotation profiles of the six stars. Results: We
obtain estimates of the core rotation rates for these stars, and upper
limits to the rotation in their convective envelope. We show that the
rotation contrast between the core and the envelope increases during the
subgiant branch. Our results also suggest that the core of subgiants
spins up with time, while their envelope spins down. For two of the
stars, we show that a discontinuous rotation profile with a deep
discontinuity reproduces the observed splittings significantly better
than a smooth rotation profile. Interestingly, the depths that are found
to be most probable for the discontinuities roughly coincide with the
location of the H-burning shell, which separates the layers that
contract from those that expand. Conclusions: We characterized
the differential rotation pattern of six young giants with a range of
metallicities, and with both radiative and convective cores on the main
sequence. This will bring observational constraints to the scenarios of
angular momentum transport in stars. Moreover, if the existence of sharp
gradients in the rotation profiles of young red giants is confirmed, it
is expected to help in distinguishing between the physical processes
that could transport angular momentum in the subgiant and red giant
Appendices and Tables 3-9 are available in electronic form at
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