Quantitative Morphology of Galaxies at Medium Redshift: Abell Cluster 2443

Trujillo, I.; Gutiérrez, C. M.; Cepa, J.; Aguerri, J. A. L.
Referencia bibliográfica

in Galaxy Disks and Disk Galaxies, proceeding of a conference held in Rome, Italy, June 12-16, 2000 at the Pontifical Gregorian University and sponsored by the Vatican Observatory. ASP Conference Series, Vol. 230. Edited by José G. Funes, S. J. and Enrico Maria Corsini. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific. ISBN: 1-58381-063-3, 2001, pp. 617-618

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First results of a photometric study of the richness=2 Abell Cluster 2443 at z=0.103 are presented. We have developed a new algorithm to perform a detailed morphological classification of 34 galaxies brighter than R=21.5 in the central region (2.5'X2.5') of the cluster. The algorithm corrects for the effect of the seeing which affects systematically the determination of the morphological parameters in the case of small angular objects. The intrinsic ellipticity of the objects has been taken into account.