Oxygen abundances in nearby stars (Ramirez+, 2007)

Ramirez, I.; Allende Prieto, C.; Lambert, D. L.
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VizieR On-line Data Catalog: J/A+A/465/271. Originally published in: 2007A&A...465..271R

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We provide in Table 4 basic (HIP and HD numbers, V magnitude and parallax) and kinematic (radial velocities and heliocentric space velocity) data for our sample stars. The kinematic probabilities of being a thin-disk, thick-disk, and halo member are also given. Table 5 contains the line data used in our abundance computations as well as the equivalent widths of the lines measured in the solar spectrum. Stellar parameters and abundances are given in Table 6. Effective temperatures were derived using color calibrations based on the infrared flux method temperature scale while surface gravities were determined from the Hipparcos parallaxes and estimates of the stellar masses based on theoretical isochrones. We provide the mean abundance of iron determined from Fe I and Fe II lines separately and a mean [Fe/H] value obtained after applying our empirical re-scaling of the Fe I abundances. LTE and non-LTE oxygen abundances derived from the 777nm OI triplet are also given. The last three columns of Table 6, if available, provide our estimates of the stellar ages. (3 data files).