Sánchez-Almeida, J.; Aguerri, J. A. L.; Muñoz-Tuñón, C.
Referencia bibliográfica
Fourth Science Meeting with the GTC (Eds. C. Muñoz-Tuñón & J. M. Rodríguez-Espinosa) Revista Mexicana de Astronomía y Astrofísica (Serie de Conferencias) Vol. 42, pp. 111-111 (2013) (
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We classified the ˜10^6 galaxy spectra in SDSS/DR7 (Abazajian et
al. 2009) into only 17 major classes (ASK classification; Sánchez
Almeida et al. 2010). The algorithm provides the goodness of the
classification for each individual spectrum and, therefore, a
straightforward way to identify those targets which do not fit in the
ASK classes. A significant part of these outliers turn out to be
failures of the automatic reduction pipelines. However, a fraction of
them represents genuine unusual objects which deserve detailed follow up
work to assess their nature. These targets provide a unique opportunity
for GTC to carry out serendipitous discoveries. This contribution
summarizes the main properties of the outliers.