OSIRIS Detectors

Joven, E.; Gigante, J.; Beigbeder, F.
Referencia bibliográfica

Scientific Detectors for Astronomy, The Beginning of a New Era; eds. Amico, P.; Beletic, J. W.; Beletic, J. E., p. 345-347

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OSIRIS (Optical System for Imaging and Low-Resolution Integrated Spectroscopy) is an instrument designed to obtain images and low-resolution spectra of astronomical objects in the optical domain (from 365-1000 nm). It will be installed on Day One (2004) in the Nasmyth focus of the 10-m Spanish GTC Telescope. The mosaic is composed of two abuttable 2Kx4K CCDs to yield a total of 4Kx4K pixels, 15 μm/pixel, 0.1252 plate scale. The arrangement allows the linking of a classical ARC-GenII controller to a PMC frame-grabber, plugged into a VME-CPU card, where a RTOS (VxWorks from Wind River) is running. Some tests and results, carried out with a couple of MAT44-82 engineering grade devices at room temperature, are given.