Mid-IR direct imaging of superjupiters around nearby stars

Bihain, Gabriel; Rebolo, Rafael; Caballero, José Antonio; Béjar, Victor Javier Sánchez
Referencia bibliográfica

Direct Imaging of Exoplanets: Science & Techniques. Proceedings of the IAU Colloquium #200, Edited by C. Aime and F. Vakili. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2006., pp.71-74

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Superjupiters are much brigther when they are young and still contracting, and the contrast with the harboring stars is significantly more favorable for their detection. Within the JOVIAN (Jupiter-like Objects in the Visible and the Infrared: Astrophysical Nature) project, a search has been performed for superjupiters around nearby young stars using 4 m class telescopes. Here we summarize the results and present prospects for a future search around young and also relatively older nearby stars with the 10 m Gran Telescopio Canarias and the mid-infrared camera CanariCam.