Surot, F.; Valenti, E.; Hidalgo, S. L.; Zoccali, M.; Sökmen, E.; Rejkuba, M.; Minniti, D.; Gonzalez, O. A.; Cassisi, S.; Renzini, A.; Weiss, A.
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Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 623, id.A168, 13 pp.
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Context. Recent observational programs are providing a global view of
the Milky Way bulge that serves as a template for detailed comparison
with models and extragalactic bulges. A number of surveys (VVV, GIBS,
GES, ARGOS, BRAVA, APOGEE) are producing comprehensive and detailed
extinction, metallicity, kinematics, and stellar density maps of the
Galactic bulge with unprecedented accuracy. However, the still missing
key ingredient is the distribution of stellar ages across the bulge. Aims: To overcome this limitation, we aim to age-date the stellar
population in several bulge fields with the ultimate goal of deriving an
age map of the bulge. This paper presents the methodology and the first
results obtained for a field along the bulge minor axis, at b = -6°.
Methods: We use a new PSF-fitting photometry of the VISTA
Variables in the Vía Láctea (VVV) survey data to construct
deep color-magnitude diagrams of the bulge stellar population down to
˜2 mag below the main sequence turnoff. To address the
contamination by foreground disk stars we adopt a statistical approach
by using control-disk fields located at different latitudes (spanning
approximately the bulge's range) and longitudes -30° and +20°.
We generate synthetic photometric catalogs of complex stellar
populations with different age and metallicity distributions, including
the observational errors and completeness. The comparison between the
color-magnitude diagrams of synthetic and observed disk-decontaminated
bulge populations provides constraints on the stellar ages in the
observed field. Results: We find the bulk of the bulge stellar
population in the observed field along the minor axis to be older than
˜7.5 Gyr. In particular, when the metallicity distribution
function spectroscopically derived by GIBS is used, the best fit to the
data is obtained with a combination of synthetic populations with ages
in between ˜7.5 Gyr and 11 Gyr. However, the fraction of stars
younger than ˜10 Gyr strongly depends upon the number of blue
straggler stars present in the bulge. Simulations show that the observed
color-magnitude diagram of the bulge in the field along the minor axis
is incompatible with the presence of a conspicuous population of
intermediate-age and young (≲5 Gyr) stars.
Based on observations taken within the ESO VISTA Public Survey VVV,
Program ID 179.B-2002 (PI: Minniti, Lucas) and VIRCAM@VISTA/ESO, VVV,
Program ID 095.B-0368(A) (PI: Valenti).
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