Maíz Apellániz, J.; Barbá, R. H.; Simón-Díaz, S.; Sota, A.; Trigueros Páez, E.; Caballero, J. A.; Alfaro, E. J.
Referencia bibliográfica
Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 615, id.A161, 7 pp.
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Context. Many massive stars have nearby companions whose presence hamper
their characterization through spectroscopy. Aims: We want to
obtain spatially resolved spectroscopy of close massive visual binaries
to derive their spectral types. Methods: We obtained a large
number of short long-slit spectroscopic exposures of five close binaries
under good seeing conditions. We selected those with the best
characteristics, extracted the spectra using multiple-profile fitting,
and combined the results to derive spatially separated spectra.
Results: We demonstrate the usefulness of Lucky Spectroscopy by
presenting the spatially resolved spectra of the components of each
system, in two cases with separations of only 0.''3. Those are δ
Ori Aa+Ab (resolved in the optical for the first time) and σ Ori
AaAb+B (first time ever resolved). We also spatially resolve 15 Mon
AaAb+B, ζ Ori AaAb+B (both previously resolved with GOSSS, the
Galactic O-Star Spectroscopic Survey), and η Ori AaAb+B, a system
with two spectroscopic B+B binaries and a fifth visual component. The
systems have in common that they are composed of an inner pair of slow
rotators orbited by one or more fast rotators, a characteristic that
could have consequences for the theories of massive star formation.
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Simón Díaz