ISO Spectroscopy and Optical Morphology of Proto-planetary Nebulae and Young Planetary Nebulae

García-Lario, Pedro; Manchado, A.; Ulla, Ana; Manteiga, Minia; Suárez Fernández, Olga
Referencia bibliográfica

Asymmetrical Planetary Nebulae II: From Origins to Microstructures, ASP Conference Series, Vol. 199. Edited by J. H. Kastner, N. Soker, and S. Rappaport. ISBN: 1-58381-026-9, 2000, p. 391

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We present combined information on the optical morphology derived from HST images and the infrared properties of the dust in the circumstellar envelope derived from ISO SWS+LWS spectra for two proto-planetary nebulae (PPN) and two young planetary nebulae (PNe). The short phase from the AGB to the PNe stage is characterized by several episodes of strong mass loss which might have a strong influence on the shape and chemical abundances of the outer envelope. Some of these transition objects are presented and briefly discussed here.