Felipe, T.; Socas-Navarro, H.; Przybylski, D.
Referencia bibliográfica
Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 614, id.A73, 11 pp.
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Context. The use of instruments that record narrowband images at
selected wavelengths is a common approach in solar observations. They
allow scanning of a spectral line by sampling the Stokes profiles with
two-dimensional images at each line position, but require a compromise
between spectral resolution and temporal cadence. The interpretation and
inversion of spectropolarimetric data generally neglect changes in the
solar atmosphere during the scanning of line profiles. Aims: We
evaluate the impact of the time-dependent acquisition of various
wavelengths on the inversion of spectropolarimetric profiles from
chromospheric lines during umbral flashes. Methods: Numerical
simulations of nonlinear wave propagation in a sunspot model were
performed with the code MANCHA. Synthetic Stokes parameters in the Ca II
8542 Å line in NLTE were computed for an umbral flash event using
the code NICOLE. Artificial profiles with the same wavelength coverage
and temporal cadence from reported observations were constructed and
inverted. The inferred atmospheric stratifications were compared with
the original simulated models. Results: The inferred atmospheres
provide a reasonable characterization of the thermodynamic properties of
the atmosphere during most of the phases of the umbral flash. The Stokes
profiles present apparent wavelength shifts and other spurious
deformations at the early stages of the flash, when the shock wave
reaches the formation height of the Ca II 8542 Å line. These
features are misinterpreted by the inversion code, which can return
unrealistic atmospheric models from a good fit of the Stokes profiles.
The misguided results include flashed atmospheres with strong downflows,
even though the simulation exhibits upflows during the umbral flash, and
large variations in the magnetic field strength. Conclusions: Our
analyses validate the inversion of Stokes profiles acquired by
sequentially scanning certain selected wavelengths of a line profile,
even in the case of rapidly changing chromospheric events such as umbral
flashes. However, the inversion results are unreliable during a short
period at the development phase of the flash.
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