Dannerbauer, H.; Lehnert, M. D.; Emonts, B.; Ziegler, B.; Altieri, B.; De Breuck, C.; Hatch, N.; Kodama, T.; Koyama, Y.; Kurk, J. D.; Matiz, T.; Miley, G.; Narayanan, D.; Norris, R. P.; Overzier, R.; Röttgering, H. J. A.; Sargent, M.; Seymour, N.; Tanaka, M.; Valtchanov, I.; Wylezalek, D.
Referencia bibliográfica
Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 608, id.A48, 15 pp.
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It is not yet known if the properties of molecular gas in distant
protocluster galaxies are significantly affected by their environment as
galaxies are in local clusters. Through a deep, 64 h of effective
on-source integration with the Australian Telescope Compact Array
(ATCA), we discovered a massive, Mmol = 2.0 ±
0.2× 1011 M⊙, extended, 40 kpc,
CO(1-0)-emitting disk in the protocluster surrounding the radio galaxy,
MRC 1138-262. The galaxy, at zCO = 2.1478, is a clumpy,
massive disk galaxy, M∗ 5 × 1011
M⊙, which lies 250 kpc in projection from MRC 1138-262
and is a known Hα emitter, named HAE229. This source has a
molecular gas fraction of 30%. The CO emission has a kinematic gradient
along its major axis, centered on the highest surface brightness
rest-frame optical emission, consistent with HAE229 being a rotating
disk. Surprisingly, a significant fraction of the CO emission lies
outside of the UV/optical emission. In spite of this, HAE229 follows the
same relation between star-formation rate and molecular gas mass as
normal field galaxies. HAE229 is the first CO(1-0) detection of an
ordinary, star-forming galaxy in a protocluster. We compare a sample of
cluster members at z > 0.4 thatare detected in low-order CO
transitions, with a similar sample of sources drawn from the field. We
confirm findings that the CO-luminosity and full-width at half maximum
are correlated in starbursts and show that this relation is valid for
normal high-z galaxies as well as for those in overdensities. We do not
find a clear dichotomy in the integrated Schmidt-Kennicutt relation for
protocluster and field galaxies. Our results suggest that environment
does not have an impact on the "star-formation efficiency" or the
molecular gas content of high-redshift galaxies. Not finding any
environmental dependence in these characteristics, especially for such
an extended CO disk, suggests that environmentally-specific processes
such as ram pressure stripping do not operate efficiently in
The reduced datacube (FITS file) is only available at the CDS via
anonymous ftp to ( or via
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