Convenio entre el IAC y la fundación la Caixa para el desarrollo del Programa posdoctorado Junior Leader

Fecha de vigencia
Entidad financiadora
Importe de la ayuda concedida al Consorcio IAC
301.500 €

On June 6, 2024, the “la Caixa” Foundation and the Institute of Astrophysics of the Canary Islands have signed the agreement for the development of the Junior Leader postdoctoral program. The purpose of this agreement is to agree on collaboration between the signatory entities in relation to the development of the Junior Leader postdoctoral scholarship program to carry out a research project in Spanish or Portuguese Universities and Research Centers. The researchers who are beneficiaries of the Junior Leader postdoctoral scholarship program are the result of the selection processes carried out by the “la Caixa” Foundation. The «la Caixa» Foundation evaluates the applications received through independent committees, in accordance with the program bases. Candidates must provide all required documentation. The official list of beneficiaries and reserves is published, in each call and once the selection process is completed, on the “la Caixa” Foundation Scholarships website. It contains the name and surname of the beneficiaries.

The IAC hires, under the terms provided in accordance with the legislation in force at the time of formalizing the employment contract, the selected beneficiaries who reach an agreement with the IAC to carry out a postdoctoral research project. Consequently, the IAC will assume all its corresponding obligations related to said contract, especially the monthly payment of salary and Social Security contributions.

The "la Caixa" Foundation will contribute to the IAC, for each of the grants under this program, a maximum total amount of 305,100 euros over three years to cover both the Salary Costs and the execution costs of the proposed projects

Tipo de financiación