Albert, J.; Aliu, E.; Anderhub, H.; Antoranz, P.; Armada, A.; Baixeras, C.; Barrio, J. A.; Bartko, H.; Bastieri, D.; Becker, J. K.; Bednarek, W.; Berger, K.; Bigongiari, C.; Biland, A.; Bock, R. K.; Bordas, P.; Bosch-Ramon, V.; Bretz, T.; Britvitch, I.; Camara, M.; Carmona, E.; Chilingarian, A.; Coarasa, J. A.; Commichau, S.; Contreras, J. L.; Cortina, J.; Costado, M. T.; Curtef, V.; Danielyan, V.; Dazzi, F.; De Angelis, A.; Delgado, C.; de los Reyes, R.; De Lotto, B.; Domingo-Santamaría, E.; Dorner, D.; Doro, M.; Errando, M.; Fagiolini, M.; Ferenc, D.; Fernández, E.; Firpo, R.; Flix, J.; Fonseca, M. V.; Font, L.; Fuchs, M.; Galante, N.; García-López, R.; Garczarczyk, M.; Gaug, M.; Giller, M.; Goebel, F.; Hakobyan, D.; Hayashida, M.; Hengstebeck, T.; Herrero, A.; Höhne, D.; Hose, J.; Hsu, C. C.; Jacon, P.; Jogler, T.; Kosyra, R.; Kranich, D.; Kritzer, R.; Laille, A.; Lindfors, E.; Lombardi, S.; Longo, F.; López, J.; López, M.; Lorenz, E.; Majumdar, P.; Maneva, G.; Mannheim, K.; Mansutti, O.; Mariotti, M.; Martínez, M.; Mazin, D.; Merck, C.; Meucci, M.; Meyer, M.; Miranda, J. M.; Mirzoyan, R.; Mizobuchi, S.; Moralejo, A.; Nieto, D.; Nilsson, K.; Ninkovic, J.; Oña-Wilhelmi, E.; Otte, N.; Oya, I.; Paneque, D.; Panniello, M.; Paoletti, R.; Paredes, J. M.; Pasanen, M.; Pascoli, D.; Pauss, F.; Pegna, R.; Persic, M. et al.
Referencia bibliográfica
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 674, Issue 2, pp. 1037-1055.
Fecha de publicación:
Número de citas
Número de citas referidas
We report about very high energy (VHE) γ-ray observations of the
Crab Nebula with the MAGIC telescope. The γ-ray flux from the
nebula was measured between 60 GeV and 9 TeV. The energy spectrum can be
described by a curved power law dF/dE=f0(E/300
GeV)[a+blog10(E/300GeV)] with a flux normalization
f0 of (6.0+/-0.2stat)×10-10
cm-2 s-1 TeV-1,
a=-2.31+/-0.06stat, and b=-0.26+/-0.07stat. The
peak in the spectral energy distribution is estimated at 77+/-35 GeV.
Within the observation time and the experimental resolution of the
telescope, the γ-ray emission is steady and pointlike. The
emission's center of gravity coincides with the position of the pulsar.
Pulsed γ-ray emission from the pulsar could not be detected. We
constrain the cutoff energy of the pulsed spectrum to be less than 27
GeV, assuming that the differential energy spectrum has an exponential
cutoff. For a superexponential shape, the cutoff energy can be as high
as 60 GeV.
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Astrofísica de Partículas
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Mónica Luisa
Vázquez Acosta