Timing the accretion flow around accreting millisecond pulsars

Linares, M.
Referencia bibliográfica

A DECADE OF ACCRETING MILLISECOND X-RAY PULSARS. AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1068, pp. 178-181 (2008).

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At present, ten years after they were first discovered, ten accreting millisecond pulsars are known. I present a study of the aperiodic X-ray variability in three of these systems, which led to the discovery of simultaneous kHz quasi periodic oscillations in XTE J1807-294 and extremely strong broadband noise at unusually low variability frequencies in IGR J00291+5934. Furthermore, we classified SWIFT J1756.9-2508 as an atoll source and measured in its 2007 outburst spectral and variability properties typical of the extreme island state. I also give detailed estimates of the total fluence during the studied outbursts.