Spectrophotometric Standard Stars for the Dark Energy Survey

Allyn Smith, J.; Allam, S. S.; Burke, D. L.; Butner, M. J.; Deustua, S. E.; Allende Prieto, C.; Tucker, D. L.; DES Collaboration
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American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #215, #470.08; Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 42, p.514

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The Dark Energy Survey (DES) will cover some 5000 square degrees in the southern hemisphere. The survey will use a set of filters which are derived from the SDSS ugriz set, but are different enough in their passbands to require new standard stars for use by non-DES observers. This is especially true for the DES -z and -Y bands. We present a strategy to develop hydrogen envelope (DA) white dwarfs stars as potential calibrators for the DES. We will discuss the observational and modeling effort required to have a set of well-characterized DAs that span the DES footprint prior to the start of survey operations. These stars will be used to establish and monitor the color zero points for the DES photometric system and can be used to search for systematic errors in the color zero points over the area (ra, dec) of the survey. These stars will also be used as some of the primary standards for the DES photometric system which will allow nightly atmospheric monitoring during DES operations.