A SINFONI View of Galaxy Centers: Morphology and Kinematics of Five Nuclear Star Formation-Rings

Böker, Torsten; Falcón-Barroso, Jesús; Schinnerer, Eva; Knapen, Johan H.; Ryder, Stuart
Referencia bibliográfica

The Astronomical Journal, Volume 135, Issue 2, pp. 479-495 (2008).

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We present near-infrared (H- and K-band) integral-field observations of the circumnuclear star formation rings in five nearby spiral galaxies. The data, obtained at the Very Large Telescope with the SINFONI spectrograph, are used to construct maps of various emission lines that reveal the individual star forming regions ("hot spots") delineating the rings. We derive the morphological parameters of the rings, and construct velocity fields of the stars and the emission line gas. We propose a qualitative, but robust, diagnostic for relative hot spot ages based on the intensity ratios of the emission lines Brγ, He I, and [Fe II]. Application of this diagnostic to the data presented here provides tentative support for a scenario in which star formation in the rings is triggered predominantly at two well-defined regions close to, and downstream from, the intersection of dust lanes along the bar with the inner Lindblad resonance. Based on observations collected at the European Southern Observatory, Chile, for proposals 076.B-0646(A) and 077B-0738(B).
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