Search for photospheric footpoints of quiet Sun transition region loops

Sánchez Almeida, J.; Teriaca, L.; Sütterlin, P.; Spadaro, D.; Schühle, U.; Rutten, R. J.
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Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 475, Issue 3, December I 2007, pp.1101-1109

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Context: The footpoints of quiet Sun Transition Region (TR) loops do not seem to coincide with the photospheric magnetic structures appearing in traditional low-sensitivity magnetograms. Aims: We look for the so-far unidentified photospheric footpoints of TR loops using G-band bright points (BPs) as proxies for photospheric magnetic field concentrations. Methods: We compare TR measurements with SoHO/SUMER and photospheric magnetic field observations obtained with the Dutch Open Telescope. Results: Photospheric BPs are associated with bright TR structures, but they seem to avoid the brightest parts of the structure. BPs appear in regions that are globally redshifted, but they avoid extreme velocities. TR explosive events are not clearly associated with BPs. Conclusions: The observations are not inconsistent with the BPs being footpoints of TR loops, although we have not succeeded to uniquely identify particular BPs with specific TR loops.