On the Robustness of the Pendulum Model for Large-amplitude Longitudinal Oscillations in Prominences

Luna, M.; Terradas, J.; Khomenko, E.; Collados, M.; de Vicente, A.
Referencia bibliográfica

The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 817, Issue 2, article id. 157, 7 pp. (2016).

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Large-amplitude longitudinal oscillations (LALOs) in prominences are spectacular manifestations of solar activity. In such events nearby energetic disturbances induce periodic motions on filaments with displacements comparable to the size of the filaments themselves and with velocities larger than 20 {km} {{{s}}}-1. The pendulum model, in which the gravity projected along a rigid magnetic field is the restoring force, was proposed to explain these events. However, it can be objected that in a realistic situation where the magnetic field reacts to the mass motion of the heavy prominence, the simplified pendulum model could be no longer valid. We have performed nonlinear time-dependent numerical simulations of LALOs considering a dipped magnetic field line structure. In this work we demonstrate that for even relatively weak magnetic fields the pendulum model works very well. We therefore validate the pendulum model and show its robustness, with important implications for prominence seismology purposes. With this model it is possible to infer the geometry of the dipped field lines that support the prominence.