Planetary transit candidates in CoRoT SRc01 field (Erikson+, 2012)

Erikson, A.; Santerne, A.; Renner, S.; Barge, P.; Aigrain, S.; Alapini, A.; Almenara, J.-M.; Alonso, R.; Auvergne, M.; Baglin, A.; Benz, W.; Bonomo, A. S.; Borde, P.; Bouchy, F.; Bruntt, H.; Cabrera, J.; Carone, L.; Carpano, S.; Csizmadia, Sz.; Deleuil, M.; Deeg, H. J.; Diaz, R. F.; Dvorak, R.; Ferraz-Mello, S.; Fridlund, M.; Gandolfi, D.; Gazzano, J.-C.; Gillon, M.; Guenther, E. W.; Guillot, T.; Hatzes, A.; Hebrard, G.; Jorda, L.; Lammer, H.; Leger, A.; Llebaria, A.; Mayor, M.; Mazeh, T.; Moutou, C.; Ollivier, M.; Ofir, A.; Paetzold, M.; Pepe, F.; Pont, F.; Queloz, D.; Rabus, M.; Rauer, H.; Regulo, C.; Rouan, D.; Samuel, B.; Schneider, J.; Shporer, A.; Tingley, B.; Udry, S.; Wuchterl, G.
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VizieR On-line Data Catalog: J/A+A/539/A14. Originally published in: 2012A&A...539A..14E

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Among the acquired data, we analyzed those for 1269 sources in the chromatic bands and 5705 in the monochromatic band. Instrumental noise and the stellar variability were treated with several detrending tools, to which several transit-search algorithms were subsequently applied. Fifty-one sources were classified as planetary transit candidates and 26 were followed up with ground-based observations. Until now, no planet has been detected in the CoRoT data from the SRc01 field. (1 data file).