Planetary transit candidates in CoRoT LRa01 field (Carone+, 2012)

Carone, L.; Gandolfi, D.; Cabrera, J.; Hatzes, A. P.; Deeg, H. J.; Csizmadia, Sz.; Paetzold, M.; Weingrill, J.; Aigrain, S.; Alonso, R.; Alapini, A.; Almenara, J.-M.; Auvergne, M.; Baglin, A.; Barge, P.; Bonomo, A. S.; Borde, P.; Bouchy, F.; Bruntt, H.; Carpano, S.; Cochran, W. D.; Deleuil, M.; Diaz, R. F.; Dreizler, S.; Dvorak, R.; Eisloeffel, J.; Eigmueller, P.; Endl, M.; Erikson, A.; Ferraz-Mello, S.; Fridlund, M.; Gazzano, J.-C.; Gibson, N.; Gillon, M.; Gondoin, P.; Grziwa, S.; Guenther, E. W.; Guillot, T.; Hartmann, M.; Havel, M.; Hebrard, G.; Jorda, L.; Kabath, P.; Leger, A.; Llebaria, A.; Lammer, H.; Lovis, C.; MacQueen, P. J.; Mayor, M.; Mazeh, T.; Moutou, C.; Nortmann, L.; Ofir, A.; Ollivier, M.; Parviainen, H.; Pepe, F.; Pont, F.; Queloz, D.; Rabus, M.; Rauer, H.; Regulo, C.; Renner, S.; de La, Reza R.; Rouan, D.; Santerne, A.; Samuel, B.; Schneider, J.; Shporer, A.; Stecklum, B.; Tal-Or, L.; Tingley, B.; Udry, S.; Wuchterl, G.
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VizieR On-line Data Catalog: J/A+A/538/A112. Originally published in: 2012A&A...538A.112C

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We present the list of planetary transit candidates from the CoRoT LRa01 star field in the Monoceros constellation toward the Galactic anti-center direction. The CoRoT observations of LRa01 lasted from 24 October 2007 to 3 March 2008. We acquired and analyzed 7470 chromatic and 3938 monochromatic lightcurves. Instrumental noise and stellar variability were treated with several filtering tools by different teams from the CoRoT community. Different transit search algorithms were applied to the lightcurves. (2 data files).