Physical conditions in the partially ionized zone of the Orion nebula

Esteban, César; Peimbert, Manuel; Torres-Peimbert, Silvia
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Astronomy and Astrophysics, v.342, p.L37-L40 (1999)

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We report the first reliable measurement of the nebular [O i] lambda 5577 emission line in the Orion nebula. Diagnostic diagrams based on the [O i] lambda lambda 5577, 6300, and [N i] lambda lambda 3467, 5198, 5200 emission lines indicate that the bulk of the nebular emission in the partially ionized zone of the Orion nebula is produced in regions with low to moderate electron densities (2x10(3) - 4x10(4) cm(-3) ) and with electron temperatures in the 8900 to 12400 K range. This result implies that models based on emission originating in high-density partially ionized zones are not applicable to explain the observed [Fe II] spectrum in the optical region. Based on data obtained at the Observatorio Astronómico Nacional, SPM, B.C., México