Marciniak, A.; Bartczak, P.; Müller, T.; Sanabria, J. J.; Alí-Lagoa, V.; Antonini, P.; Behrend, R.; Bernasconi, L.; Bronikowska, M.; Butkiewicz-Bąk, M.; Cikota, A.; Crippa, R.; Ditteon, R.; Dudziński, G.; Duffard, R.; Dziadura, K.; Fauvaud, S.; Geier, S.; Hirsch, R.; Horbowicz, J.; Hren, M.; Jerosimic, L.; Kamiński, K.; Kankiewicz, P.; Konstanciak, I.; Korlevic, P.; Kosturkiewicz, E.; Kudak, V.; Manzini, F.; Morales, N.; Murawiecka, M.; Ogłoza, W.; Oszkiewicz, D.; Pilcher, F.; Polakis, T.; Poncy, R.; Santana-Ros, T.; Siwak, M.; Skiff, B.; Sobkowiak, K.; Stoss, R.; Żejmo, M.; Żukowski, K.
Referencia bibliográfica
Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 610, id.A7, 33 pp.
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Context. The available set of spin and shape modelled asteroids is
strongly biased against slowly rotating targets and those with low
lightcurve amplitudes. This is due to the observing selection effects.
As a consequence, the current picture of asteroid spin axis
distribution, rotation rates, radiometric properties, or aspects related
to the object's internal structure might be affected too. Aims:
To counteract these selection effects, we are running a photometric
campaign of a large sample of main belt asteroids omitted in most
previous studies. Using least chi-squared fitting we determined synodic
rotation periods and verified previous determinations. When a dataset
for a given target was sufficiently large and varied, we performed spin
and shape modelling with two different methods to compare their
performance. Methods: We used the convex inversion method and the
non-convex SAGE algorithm, applied on the same datasets of dense
lightcurves. Both methods search for the lowest deviations between
observed and modelled lightcurves, though using different approaches.
Unlike convex inversion, the SAGE method allows for the existence of
valleys and indentations on the shapes based only on lightcurves.
Results: We obtain detailed spin and shape models for the first five
targets of our sample: (159) Aemilia, (227) Philosophia, (329) Svea,
(478) Tergeste, and (487) Venetia. When compared to stellar occultation
chords, our models obtained an absolute size scale and major topographic
features of the shape models were also confirmed. When applied to
thermophysical modelling (TPM), they provided a very good fit to the
infrared data and allowed their size, albedo, and thermal inertia to be
determined. Conclusions: Convex and non-convex shape models
provide comparable fits to lightcurves. However, some non-convex models
fit notably better to stellar occultation chords and to infrared data in
sophisticated thermophysical modelling (TPM). In some cases TPM showed
strong preference for one of the spin and shape solutions. Also, we
confirmed that slowly rotating asteroids tend to have
higher-than-average values of thermal inertia, which might be caused by
properties of the surface layers underlying the skin depth.
The photometric data is only available at the CDS via anonymous ftp to ( or via
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