The nucleus of NGC 253 and its massive stellar clusters at parsec scales

Fernández-Ontiveros, J. A.; Prieto, M. A.; Acosta-Pulido, J. A.
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Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, Volume 392, Issue 1, pp. L16-L20.

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Very Large Telescope adaptive optics images of NGC 253 with resolutions down to 200mas resolve the central 300pc of this galaxy in ~37 infrared (IR) bright knots, a factor of 3 larger than previously reported and extended diffuse emission. The angular resolution, comparable to that of available Very Large Array 2cm maps, permits us a very accurate IR-radio registration. Eight radio sources are found to have an IR counterpart. The knots have Hα equivalent width of about 80Å, sizes of ~3pc, magnitudes in L band of about 12mag and relatively high extinction, AV ~ 7mag. Their spectral energy distributions (SEDs) look very similar, characterized by a maximum at 20μm and a gentle bump in the 1-2μm range. These features can be well reproduced by considering an important contribution of very young stellar objects to the IR, efficiently heating their dust envelope. The evidence indicates that these are young massive clusters bursting from their dust cocoons. A median SED of the knots is provided, which may represent one of the most genuine templates of an extragalactic circumnuclear star-forming region. The lack of any optical or IR counterpart for the previously identified radio core calls into question its supposed active nucleus nature. This source may instead represent a scaled up version of Sgr A* at the Galactic Centre. Based on European Southern Observatory-Very Large Telescope programs 076.B-0493, 074.A-9016 and 076.B-0656 and Hubble Space Telescope programs U43A0103B and U31Q0101B. E-mail: jafo [at] (jafo[at]iac[dot]es)
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