NRAO 150: A Recently Identified Quasar Revealing Extreme Non-Ballistic Motion

Agudo, I.; Bach, U.; Krichbaum, T. P.; Marscher, A. P.; Gonidakis, I.; Diamond, P. J.; Alef, W.; Graham, D.; Witzel, A.; Zensus, J. A.; Bremer, M.; Acosta-Pulido, J. A.; Barrena, R.
Referencia bibliográfica

Extragalactic Jets: Theory and Observation from Radio to Gamma Ray ASP Conference Series, Vol. 386, proceedings of the conference held 21-24 May, 2007 in Girdwood, Alaska, USA. Edited by Travis A. Rector and David S. De Young. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2008., p.249

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NRAO 150 -- a compact and bright radio to mm source showing core/jet structure-- has been recently identified as a quasar at redshift 1.52 through a near-IR spectral observation. To compute quantitative estimates of the basic physical properties of the jet in the source, we have analysed the ultra-high-resolution images from a new sub-milliarcsecond-scale monitoring program of its structure at 86 GHz and 43 GHz with the GMVA and the VLBA, respectively. An additional archival and calibration 43 GHz-VLBA data set, covering from 1997 to 2007, has been used. Our data shows an extreme projected counter-clock-wise jet swing of up to ˜11°/yr within the inner ˜61 pc of the jet, which is associated with a non-ballistic superluminal motion of the jet within this region. We argue that the magnetic field might play an important role in the dynamics of the jet in NRAO 150, which is supported by the large values of the magnetic field strength obtained from our first estimates. The extreme characteristics of the jet swing make NRAO 150 a prime source to study the jet wobbling phenomenon.