García, R. A.; Salabert, D.; Ballot, J.; Eff-Darwich, A.; Garrido, R.; Jiménez, A.; Mathis, S.; Mathur, S.; Moya, A.; Pallé, P. L.; Régulo, C.; Sato, K.; Suárez, J. C.; Turck-Chièze, S.
Referencia bibliográfica
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 271, Issue 1, pp. 012046 (2011).
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Since the detection of the asymptotic properties of the dipole gravity
modes in the Sun, the quest to find individual gravity modes has
continued. An extensive and deeper analysis of 14 years of continuous
GOLF/SoHO observational data, unveils the presence of a pattern of peaks
that could be interpreted as individual dipole gravity modes in the
frequency range between 60 and 140 microHz, with amplitudes compatible
with the latest theoretical predictions. By collapsing the power
spectrum we have obtained a quite constant splitting for these patterns
in comparison to regions where no g modes were expected. Moreover, the
same technique applied to simultaneous VIRGO/SoHO data unveils some
common signals between the power spectra of both instruments. Thus, we
are able to identify and characterize individual g modes with their
central frequencies, amplitudes and splittings allowing to do seismic
inversions of the rotation profile inside the solar core. These results
open a new ligh t on the physics and dynamics of the solar deep core.
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Sismología Solar y Estelar y Búsqueda de Exoplanetas
Los objetivos genéricos de este Proyecto son: 1) el estudio de la estructura y dinámica del interior solar, 2) la extensión de dicho estudio al caso de otras estrellas, 3) la búsqueda y caracterización de planetas extrasolares por métodos fotométricos (principalmente mediante el método de tránsitos) y espectroscópico (variaciones en la velocidad