Lopez-Sanchez, Angel R.; Koribalski, Baerbel; Esteban, Cesar; van Eymeren, Janine; García-Rojas, Jorge
Referencia bibliográfica
ATNF proposal C1577, Semester: April, 2008
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We propose to carry out full-synthesis (12-h) HI ATCA observations of 6
bright Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxies (BCDGs). The HIPASS data of these
objects indicate that they possess a considerable amount of neutral gas.
We want to estimate the distribution of the HI in each BCDG and its
surrounding, looking for independent HI clouds or morphological features
that reveal interaction processes. We will also analyze the kinematics
of the neutral gas and, using 1.4 GHz radio continuum maps, derive an
extinction-free star formation rate. We will combine the data with the
results obtained using optical/NIR images and spectroscopy. We remark
that 3 of the galaxies will be observed at 8.2m VLT next semester.