Multiplicity Among Young Brown Dwarfs and Very Low Mass Stars

Ahmic, Mirza; Jayawardhana, R.; Brandeker, A.; Scholz, A.; van Kerkwijk, M. H.; Delgado-Donate, E.; Froebrich, D.
Referencia bibliográfica

2007 AAS/AAPT Joint Meeting, American Astronomical Society Meeting 209, #40.06; Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 39, p.265

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Characterizing multiplicity in the very low mass (VLM) domain is a topic of much current interest and fundamental importance. Here we report on a near-infrared adaptive optics imaging survey of 28 young brown dwarfs and VLM stars, 26 of which are in the Chamaeleon I star-forming region, using the ESO Very Large Telescope. Our findings in Cha I -- the low multiplicity frequency of 8%, the preference for equal mass pairs, and the lack of wide binaries -- are strikingly similar to what has previously been reported for VLM objects in the field and in open clusters. Thus, we argue that there is no significant evolution of multiplicity with age among brown dwarfs and VLM stars between a few Myr to several Gyr. Instead, the observations to date suggest that VLM objects are either less likely to be born in wide multiple systems than solar mass stars or such systems are disrupted very early (within the first couple of Myr). Our results also imply that systems like 2MASSW J1207334-393254 and Oph 162225-240515, with planetary mass companions at wide separations, are rare. This research was supported by an NSERC grant, University of Toronto research funds and the Ontario Graduate Scholarship.