Morphological classification of PM2GC galaxies (Calvi+, 2013)

Calvi, R.; Poggianti, B. M.; Vulcani, B.; Fasano, G.
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VizieR On-line Data Catalog: J/MNRAS/432/3141. Originally published in: 2013MNRAS.432.3141C

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The PM2GC (Calvi et al., 2011MNRAS.416..727C, cat. J/MNRAS/416/727) is a data base built on the basis of the Millennium Galaxy Catalogue (MGC), a deep and wide B-imaging survey along an equatorial strip of ~38deg2 obtained with the Isaac Newton Telescope (INT). The design, execution, reduction, object detection and preliminary analysis of this survey are described in Liske et al. (2003MNRAS.344..307L, see VII/240). The MGC field lies within the 2dFGRS Northern Galactic Cap region and the SDSS region and a detailed comparison of the MGC with these surveys is described in Cross et al. (2004MNRAS.349..576C) (1 data file).