Rodríguez, A.-I.; Rodríguez, P.; Vera, I.-L.; Alaña, E.
Referencia bibliográfica
Proceedings of DASIA 2008 Data Systems In Aerospace, by Ouwehand, L. ESA SP-665. ISBN:978-92-9221-229-2. Noordwijk, Netherlands: European Space Agency, 2008, id.68
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The DOMENG project has introduced the Domain Engineering Process to the
space community as a first stone on the roadmap to build a model-based
and reused- oriented software production system, based on the analysis
and modelling of the Space domain. At the current stage, the first
iteration of the domain engineering process is close to an end and this
paper presents some of the main outcomes of the study: the models for
the Space domain, focused on Space Avionics Embedded Software Systems
Domain. The Space domain models have allowed us to outline the
fundamentals of the DOMENG High Level Architecture (DoHLA), an OBSW
generic architecture based on the DOMENG domain model that combines a
component-oriented approach with schedulability and dependability