Modelling dust production from AGB stars: open challenges, uncertainties and new discoveries.

Dell'Agli, F.
Referencia bibliográfica

Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana, v.88, p.383 (2017)

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The description of dust production by asymptotic giant branch stars (AGB) is matter of interest for a wide part of the astronomical community. In the light of this, the number of studies focused on this topic rapidly increased in the last decade. Latest releases of hydrodynamical models provide a deep insight of wind structure and mass loss process. On the other hand new generations of models able to couple a detailed description of the AGB evolution with a dust growth model allow the estimation of the amount of dust formed in the winds of these stars, with a special look at its dependence on AGB evolution properties. Nevertheless, several uncertainties connected with the AGB modelling still affect the global description of dust condensation process. In this contribution we discuss latest progresses, possible constrains and upcoming improvements expected on this side.