Gil de Paz, A.; Carrasco, E.; Gallego, J.; Iglesias-Páramo, J.; Cedazo, R.; García Vargas, M. L.; Arrillaga, X.; Avilés, J. L.; Cardiel, N.; Carrera, M. A.; Castillo-Morales, A.; Castillo-Domínguez, E.; de la Cruz García, J. M.; Esteban San Román, S.; Ferrusca, D.; Gómez-Álvarez, P.; Izazaga-Pérez, R.; Lefort, B.; López-Orozco, J. A.; Maldonado, M.; Martínez-Delgado, I.; Morales Durán, I.; Mujica, E.; Páez, G.; Pascual, S.; Pérez-Calpena, A.; Picazo, P.; Sánchez-Penim, A.; Sánchez-Blanco, E.; Tulloch, S.; Velázquez, M.; Vílchez, J. M.; Zamorano, J.; Aguerri, J. A. L.; Barrado y Naváscues, D.; Bertone, E.; Cava, A.; Cenarro, J.; Chávez, M.; García, M.; García-Rojas, J.; Guichard, J.; González-Delgado, R.; Guzmán, R.; Herrero, A.; Huélamo, N.; Hughes, D. H.; Jiménez-Vicente, J.; Kehrig, C.; Marino, R. A.; Márquez, I.; Masegosa, J.; Mayya, Y. D.; Méndez-Abreu, J.; Mollá, M.; Muñoz-Tuñón, C.; Peimbert, M.; Pérez-González, P. G.; Pérez Montero, E.; Rodríguez, M.; Rodríguez-Espinosa, J. M.; Rodríguez-Merino, L.; Rodríguez-Muñoz, L.; Rosa-González, D.; Sánchez-Almeida, J.; Sánchez Contreras, C.; Sánchez-Blázquez, P.; Sánchez Moreno, F. M.; Sánchez, S. F.; Sarajedini, A.; Silich, S.; Simón-Díaz, S.; Tenorio-Tagle, G.; Terlevich, E.; Terlevich, R.; Torres-Peimbert, S.; Trujillo, I.; Tsamis, Y.; Vega, O.
Referencia bibliográfica
Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9908, id. 99081K 20 pp. (2016).
Fecha de publicación:
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Número de citas referidas
MEGARA (Multi-Espectrógrafo en GTC de Alta Resolución para
Astronomía) is an optical Integral-Field Unit (IFU) and
Multi-Object Spectrograph (MOS) designed for the GTC 10.4m telescope in
La Palma that is being built by a Consortium led by UCM (Spain) that
also includes INAOE (Mexico), IAA-CSIC (Spain), and UPM (Spain). The
instrument is currently finishing AIV and will be sent to GTC on
November 2016 for its on-sky commissioning on April 2017. The MEGARA IFU
fiber bundle (LCB) covers 12.5x11.3 arcsec2 with a spaxel size of 0.62
arcsec while the MEGARA MOS mode allows observing up to 92 objects in a
region of 3.5x3.5 arcmin2 around the IFU. The IFU and MOS
modes of MEGARA will provide identical intermediate-to-high spectral
resolutions (RFWHM 6,000, 12,000 and 18,700, respectively for the low-,
mid- and high-resolution Volume Phase Holographic gratings) in the range
3700-9800ÅÅ. An x-y mechanism placed at the pseudo-slit
position allows (1) exchanging between the two observing modes and (2)
focusing the spectrograph for each VPH setup. The spectrograph is a
collimator-camera system that has a total of 11 VPHs simultaneously
available (out of the 18 VPHs designed and being built) that are placed
in the pupil by means of a wheel and an insertion mechanism. The
custom-made cryostat hosts a 4kx4k 15-μm CCD. The unique
characteristics of MEGARA in terms of throughput and versatility and the
unsurpassed collecting are of GTC make of this instrument the most
efficient tool to date to analyze astrophysical objects at intermediate
spectral resolutions. In these proceedings we present a summary of the
instrument characteristics and the results from the AIV phase. All
subsystems have been successfully integrated and the system-level AIV
phase is progressing as expected.