Magellanic Cloud Planetary Nebulae: probing the effects of metallicity on dust formation, mass-loss, and evolution.

Stanghellini, Letizia; Garcia-Lario, Pedro; Manchado, A.; Perea, Jose Vicente; Shaw, Richard A.; Villaver, Eva
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Spitzer Proposal ID #20443

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Planetary nebulae (PNe) in the Magellanic Clouds (LMC, SMC) offer a unique opportunity to study both the population and evolution of low- and intermediate-mass stars in an environment which is free of the distance scale bias that hinder Galactic PN studies. At the same time, LMC and SMC PNe cover a wide metallicity baseline. Their progenitors might have metallicity from nearly equal to less than a tenth of Galactic PN progenitors. Such properties make the Magellanic Cloud PNe the ideal probes to study the effects of progenitor metallicity in the cosmic recycling. The emission shown by PNe in the 5-40 micron range is characterized by the presence of a combination of solid state features (from the dust grains) and nebular emission lines over-imposed on a strong dust continuum. We propose to acquire low resolution IRS spectroscopy of a selected sample of LMC and SMC PNe whose morphology, size, central star brightness, and chemical composition are known. We propose to: i) determine the dominant chemistry (C-rich vs. O-rich) of the PN dust through the study of the solid state features, with the ultimate goal of evaluating the dust formation efficiency versus metallicity; ii) establish connections between chemistry, morphology, and evolutionary stage of the PNe; iii) test the current models of stellar evolution at various initial metallicities, comparing predicted composition of the dredged-up material and observed composition in the PNe as a function of the mass of the progenitor star; iv) recover the AGB mass loss history from the analysis of the overall spectral energy distribution; v) determine the contribution of the infrared to the total PN luminosity.