Investigation on the quasifission process by theoretical analysis of experimental data of fissionlike reaction products

Giardina, G.; Nasirov, A. K.; Mandaglio, G.; Curciarello, F.; De Leo, V.; Fazio, G.; Manganaro, M.; Romaniuk, M.; Saccá, C.
Referencia bibliográfica

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 282, Issue 1, article id. 012006, 20 pp. (2011).

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The hindrance to complete fusion is a phenomenon presenting in the most part of the capture events in reactions with massive nuclei. This phenomenon is due to the onset of the quasifission process which competes with complete fusion during the evolution of the composed system formed at capture stage. The branching ratio between quasifission and complete fusion strongly depends from different characteristics of reacting nuclei in the entrance channel. The experimental and theoretical investigations of reaction dynamics connected with the formation of composed system is nowadays the main subject of the nuclear reactions. There is ambiguity in establishment of the reaction mechanism leading to the observed binary fissionlike fragments. The correct estimation of the fusion probability is important in planning experiments for the synthesis of superheavy elements. The experimental determination of evaporation residues only is not enough to restore the true reaction dynamics. The experimental observation of fissionlike fragments only cannot assure the correct distinguishing of products of the quasifission, fast fission, and fusion-fission processes which have overlapping in the mass (angular, kinetic energy) distributions of fragments. In this paper we consider a wide set of reactions (with different mass asymmetry and mass symmetry parameters) with the aim to explain the role played by many quantities on the reaction mechanisms. We also present the results of study of the 48Ca+249Bk reaction used to synthesize superheavy nuclei with Z = 117 by the determination of the evaporation residue cross sections and the effective fission barriers < Bf > of excited nuclei formed along the de-excitation cascade of the compound nucleus.