The impact of binary interaction on the main-sequence morphology of young star clusters

Wang, Chen; Langer, Norbert; Schootemeijer, Abel; Milone, Antonino; Hastings, Ben; Xu, Xiao-Tian; Bodensteiner, Julia; Sana, Hugues; Castro, Norberto; Lennon, D. J.; Marchant, Pablo; de Koter, A.; de Mink, Selma E.
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IAU Symposium

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Since massive stars form preferentially as members of close binary systems, we use dense grids of detailed binary evolution models to explore how binary evolution shapes the main-sequence morphology of young star clusters. We propose that binary mergers might be the origin of the blue main sequence stars in young star clusters. Our results imply that stars may either form by accretion, or through a binary merger, and that both paths lead to distinctly different spins, magnetic fields, and stellar mass distributions.