Hubble Space Telescope Observations of Planetary Nebulae in the Magellanic Clouds. VI. Cycles 4 and 5 Ultraviolet Spectroscopy Using the Faint Object Spectrograph

Maran, S. P.; Stecher, T. P.; Wood, P. R.; Meatheringham, S. J.; Ford, H. C.; Harrington, J. P.; Bohlin, R. C.; Dopita, M. A.; Vassiliadis, E.
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Astrophysical Journal Supplement, v.114, p.237

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The Faint Object Spectrograph on board the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is used to obtain spectra in the wavelength range lambda lambda 1150-4800 of three planetary nebulae in the Small Magellanic Cloud and 10 planetary nebulae in the Large Magellanic Cloud. This sample extends the sample of 12 objects previously observed with HST and reported in the third paper of this series. Observed and dereddened emission-line fluxes are presented. Reddening estimates from the He II lambda 1640/ lambda 4686 flux ratio are generally up to 0.2 dex lower than the reddening derived from the Balmer decrement. Nebular temperatures are estimated from the N+ lambda lambda 2138, 2142/ lambda lambda 6548, 6583 flux ratio. Nebular densities are calculated from the O IV] complex at lambda 1400, the N IV] lambda lambda 1483, 1487 doublet, and the Si III] lambda lambda 1883, 1892 doublet. Densities calculated using the oxygen lines are comparable to those determined from the optical lines. Densities calculated from the nitrogen lines show a scatter of over 3 dex, which is relatively large compared to the optically derived densities. Three of the five densities derived from the silicon lines are greater than 10,000 cm-3. The C+2/O+2, Si+2/C+2, and N+2/O+2 ionic abundance ratios are calculated using the available ultraviolet emission features. The C/O and N/O ratios are anticorrelated, which supports the premise that third dredge-up has taken place during the asymptotic giant branch phase. In contrast to the third paper in this series, type I classification does not imply the presence of Si III] emission. Three objects show P Cygni-like line profiles at C IV lambda lambda 1548, 1551, indicative of stellar winds.