GTC adaptive optics first performance tests in laboratory

Reyes García-Talavera, M.; López, R. L.; Marco, J.; Montilla, I.; Núñez, M.; Patrón, J.; Puga, M.; Rodríguez, L. F.; Rosich, J.; Simoes, R.; Tubío, O.; Béjar, V. J. S.; Basden, A.
Referencia bibliográfica

Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 10703, id. 107030C 11 pp. (2018).

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The GTC AO system designed and developed during the last years is based on a single deformable mirror with 21 x 21 actuators, conjugated to the telescope pupil, and a Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor with 20 x 20 subapertures, using an OCAM2 camera. The GTCAO system will provide a corrected beam with a Strehl Ratio (SR) of 0.65 in K-band with bright natural guide stars. This paper reports the updated status of the integration of GTCAO in the IAC laboratory, and the results obtained in the first tests carried out to evaluate the performance of the system, before the complete characterization and the verification of the requirements. The wavefront sensor verification has been completed, and it has been integrated in the optical bench together with the corrector optics including the CILAS deformable mirror. The calibration system, also mounted on the optical bench, includes light sources used to tune, characterise and calibrate the whole system. It also simulates the atmospheric turbulence and the telescope, delivering an aberrated wavefront used to debug the whole control system, and to test the real time control software, the servo loop and different servo control strategies. Finally the Test Camera has been also integrated at the science focus to evaluate the performance.
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