An exploration of Cygnus OB2 and perspectives for the upcoming WEAVE High-Resolution Cygnus Survey

Berlanas, Sara R.; Herrero, Artemio
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IAU Symposium

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During the last years we have carried out different studies in the Cygnus OB2 association based on new spectroscopic data and benefiting from the unprecedented Gaia astrometry. They include membership, chemical and structure studies, that allowed us to discern for the first time ever between two stellar groups separated by several hundred parsecs within the association and find at least two star-forming bursts at ∼3 and ∼5 Myr. Using these studies as a template and combining upcoming spectroscopic WEAVE data and the expected accuracy that Gaia will reach in the Cygnus-X area (DR3 and forthcoming releases), we will be able to perform the deepest multi-dimensional study ever done before in a massive star-forming complex. The results of this project will lead to an important improvement of our knowledge of star formation and evolution of star-forming regions and clusters, including our understanding of the dynamics and kinematics of OB associations and stellar groups.