Eff-Darwich, A.; Régulo, C.; Korzennik, S. G.; Pérez Hernández, F.; Roca Cortés, T.
Referencia bibliográfica
Astronomische Nachrichten, Vol.329, Issue 5, p.470
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Data collected recently by the helioseismic experiments aboard the SOHO
spacecraft have allowed the detection of low degree p-modes with
increasingly lower order n. In particular, the GOLF experiment is
currently able to unambiguously identify low degree modes with
frequencies as low as 1.3 mHz. The detection of p-modes with very low
frequency ({i.e.}, low n), is difficult due to the low signal-to-noise
ratio in this spectral region and its contamination by solar signals
that are not of acoustic origin. To address this problem without using
any theoretical a priory, we propose a methodology that relies only on
the inversion of observed values to define a spectral window for the
expected locations of these low frequency modes. The application of this
method to 2920-day-long GOLF observations is presented and its results
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