The Detection and Investigation of Exoplanets with MASTER Global Network Telescopes

Lipunov, V. M.; Tarasenkov, A. N.; Kuznetsov, A. S.; Balanutsa, P. V.; Antipov, G. A.; Kechin, Ya. Yu.; Tyurina, N. V.; Gorbovskoy, E. S.; Buckley, D. A. H.; Francile, C.; Podesta, F.; Tlatov, A. G.; Rebolo Lopez, R.; Budnev, N. M.; Gress, O. A.; Yurkov, V. V.
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Astronomy Reports

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The paper presents the method for detecting exoplanets in the image archive obtained by telescopes of the MASTER Global Network since 2002. The unique archive represents homogeneous photometric data obtained over 20 years for the northern (MASTER-Amur, MASTER-Tunka, MASTER-Kislovodsk, M-ASTER-Tavrida, MASTER-IAC, MASTER-OAGH) and 11 years for the southern sky (MASTER-OAFA, MASTER-SAAO). Algorithm of gamma-ray burst error box observation on the MASTER wide-field telescopes make it possible to detect transit phenomena and find exoplanets in archival data. The article presents the results of a photometric analysis of the TESS exoplanet candidate TOI–3570.01.