Lucas, P. W.; Smith, L.; Gauza, B.; Jenkins, J. S.; Gálvez-Ortiz, M. C.; Béjar, V. J. S.; Jones, H. R. A.; Rebolo, R.; Clarke, J. R. A.; Irwin, M.; Littlefair, S.; Smart, R.; Lodieu, N.; Faherty, J.; Cardoso, C.; Kurtev, R.; Cattermole, T.; Burningham, B.; Ruiz, M. T.; Leggett, S. K.; Gromadzki, M.; Day-Jones, A. C.; Gomes, J.; Pinfield, D. J.
Referencia bibliográfica
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 437, Issue 2, p.1009-1026
Fecha de publicación:
Número de citas
Número de citas referidas
A method is defined for identifying late-T and Y dwarfs in WISE down to
low values of signal-to-noise. This requires a WISE detection only in
the W2-band and uses the statistical properties of the WISE multiframe
measurements and profile fit photometry to reject contamination
resulting from non-point-like objects, variables and moving sources. To
trace our desired parameter space, we use a control sample of isolated
non-moving non-variable point sources from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
(SDSS), and identify a sample of 158 WISE W2-only candidates down to a
signal-to-noise limit of eight. For signal-to-noise ranges >10 and
8-10, respectively, ˜45 and ˜90 per cent of our sample fall
outside the selection criteria published by the WISE team, mainly due to
the type of constraints placed on the number of individual W2
detections. We present follow-up of eight candidates and identify WISE
0013+0634 and WISE 0833+0052, T8 and T9 dwarfs with high proper motion
(˜1.3 and ˜1.8 arcsec yr-1). Both objects show a
mid-infrared/near-infrared excess of ˜1-1.5 mag and are K band
suppressed. Distance estimates lead to space motion constraints that
suggest halo (or at least thick disc) kinematics. We then assess the
reduced proper motion diagram of WISE ultracool dwarfs, which suggests
that late-T and Y dwarfs may have a higher thick-disc/halo population
fraction than earlier objects.
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