Bon, E.; Popović, L. Č.; Gavrilović, N.; Mura, G. La; Mediavilla, E.
Referencia bibliográfica
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 400, Issue 2, pp. 924-936.
Fecha de publicación:
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We study the disc emission component hidden in the single-peaked broad
emission lines (BELs) of active galactic nuclei. We compare the observed
broad lines from a sample of 90 Seyfert 1 spectra taken from the Sloan
Digital Sky Survey with simulated line profiles. We consider a
two-component broad line region model where an accretion disc and a
surrounding non-disc region with isotropic cloud velocities generate the
simulated BEL profiles. The analysis is mainly based on the measurements
of the full widths (at 10 per cent, 20 per cent and 30 per cent of the
maximum intensity) and on the asymmetries of the line profiles.
Comparing these parameters for the simulated and observed Hα broad
lines, we found that the hidden disc emission may be present in BELs
even if the characteristic of two-peaked-line profiles is absent. For
the available sample of objects (Seyfert 1 galaxies with single-peaked
BELs), our study indicates that, in the case of the hidden disc emission
in single-peaked broad-line profiles, the disc inclination tends to be
small (mostly i < 25°) and that the contribution of the disc
emission to the total flux should be smaller than the contribution of
the surrounding region.
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Mediavilla Gradolph