Dolfi, A.; Branchini, Enzo; Bilicki, Maciej; Balaguera-Antolínez, A.; Prandoni, Isabella; Pandit, Rishikesh
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Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 623, id.A148, 16 pp.
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We investigate the clustering properties of radio sources in the
Alternative Data Release 1 of the TIFR GMRT Sky Survey (TGSS), focusing
on large angular scales, where previous analyses have detected a large
clustering signal. After appropriate data selection, the TGSS sample we
use contains ˜110 000 sources selected at 150 MHz over ˜70%
of the sky. The survey footprint is largely superimposed on that of the
NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS) with the majority of TGSS sources having a
counterpart in the NVSS sample. These characteristics make TGSS suitable
for large-scale clustering analyses and facilitate the comparison with
the results of previous studies. In this analysis we focus on the
angular power spectrum, although the angular correlation function is
also computed to quantify the contribution of multiple-component radio
sources. We find that on large angular scales, corresponding to
multipoles 2 ≤ ℓ ≤ 30, the amplitude of the TGSS angular power
spectrum is significantly larger than that of the NVSS. We do not
identify any observational systematic effects that may explain this
mismatch. We have produced a number of physically motivated models for
the TGSS angular power spectrum and found that all of them fail to match
observations, even when taking into account observational and
theoretical uncertainties. The same models provide a good fit to the
angular spectrum of the NVSS sources. These results confirm the
anomalous nature of the TGSS large-scale power, which has no obvious
physical origin and seems to indicate that unknown systematic errors are
present in the TGSS dataset.
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