BUBBLY: a method for detecting and characterizing interstellar bubbles using Fabry-Perot spectroscopy

Camps-Fariña, A.; Zaragoza-Cardiel, J.; Beckman, J. E.; Font, J.; García-Lorenzo, B.; Erroz-Ferrer, S.; Amram, P.
Referencia bibliográfica

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 447, Issue 4, p.3840-3848

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We present a new method for the detection and characterization of expansion in galaxy discs based on Hα Fabry-Perot spectroscopy, taking advantage of the high spatial and velocity resolution of our instrument (GHαFaS). The method analyses multipeaked emission line profiles to find expansion along the line of sight on a point-by-point basis. At this stage we have centred our attention on the large-scale structures of expanding gas associated with H II regions which show a characteristic pattern of expansion velocities, of the order of 100 km s-1, as a result of both bubble shape and projection effects. We show an example of the expansion map obtained with our method from a superbubble detected in the Antennae galaxies. We use the information obtained from the method to measure the relevant physical parameters of the superbubbles, including their ages which can be used to date young star clusters.
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