Salabert, D.; Régulo, C.; Ballot, J.; García, R. A.; Mathur, S.
Referencia bibliográfica
Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 530, id.A127
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We study the frequency dependence of the frequency shifts of the
low-degree p modes measured in the F5V star HD 49933, by analyzing the
second run of observations collected by the CoRoT satellite. The 137-day
light curve is divided into two subseries corresponding to periods of
low and high stellar activity. The activity-frequency relationship is
obtained independently from the analysis of the mode frequencies
extracted by both a local and a global peak-fitting analyses, and from a
cross-correlation technique in the frequency range between 1450 μHz
and 2500 μHz. The three methods return consistent results. We show
that the frequency shifts measured in HD 49933 present a frequency
dependence with a clear increase with frequency, reaching a maximal
shift of about 2 μHz around 2100 μHz. Similar variations are
obtained between the l = 0 and l = 1 modes. At higher frequencies, the
frequency shifts show indications of a downturn followed by an upturn,
consistent between the l = 0 and 1 modes. We show that the frequency
variation of the p-mode frequency shifts of the solar-like oscillating
star HD 49933 has a comparable shape to the one observed in the Sun,
which is understood to arise from changes in the outer layers due to its
magnetic activity.
Proyectos relacionados
Sismología Solar y Estelar y Búsqueda de Exoplanetas
Los objetivos genéricos de este Proyecto son: 1) el estudio de la estructura y dinámica del interior solar, 2) la extensión de dicho estudio al caso de otras estrellas, 3) la búsqueda y caracterización de planetas extrasolares por métodos fotométricos (principalmente mediante el método de tránsitos) y espectroscópico (variaciones en la velocidad