SMACK 14: Make, a powerful tool to manage your projects

Zahra Sharbaf
Sepideh Eskandarlou
Fecha y hora
1 Feb 2022 - 09:30 Europe/London


Idioma de la charla
Idioma de la presentación
Número en la serie

Did you ever want to re-run your project from the beginning, but run into trouble because you forgot one step? Do you want to run just one part of your project and ignore the rest? Do you want to run it in parallel with many different inputs using all the cores of your computer? Do you want to design a modular project, with re-usable parts, avoiding long files hard to debug?

Make is a well-tested solution to all these problems. It is independent of the programming language you use. Instead of having a long code hard to debug, you can connect its components making a chain. Make will allow you to automate your project and retain control of how its parts are integrated. This SMACK seminar will give an overview of this powerful tool.

Gitlab link:
