
This section contains the publications database that collects IAC articles published in scientific journals. Please, click on the arrow to see full search filter and sort options: author, journal, year, etc..

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  • Chiron, another Centaur with ring material
    Chariklo is known to possess an exotic ring system and we show indications from several distinct data sets that Chiron also has a ring system with similar features to that of Chariklo, although its case is somewhat more complex because Chariklo has never shown cometary-like activity, whereas Chiron has.
    Ortiz, J. L. et al.

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  • Chromospheres of late-type active and quiescent dwarfs. I - an atlas of high resolution CA II H profiles
    As a result of a major program of spectral observations using the CAT 1.4 m telescope and Coude Echelle Spectrograph at ESO, La Silla, 68 high resolution profiles of the 3968.5 A Ca H resonance line have been obtained for 16 late type stars (dwarfs and subgiants, including the sun) ranging from F9 to K5, selected to be representative of a wide span
    Rebolo, R. et al.

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  • Chromospheres of late-type active and quiescent dwarfs. II - an activity index derived from profiles of the CA II 8498 A and 8542 A triplet lines
    High resolution, high signal to noise spectral profiles of the 8498 and 8542 A lines of the Ca II infrared triplet (IRT) have been obtained for a sample of late type dwarfs, with a wide range of levels of chromospheric activity, in the spectral range F9 to K4/5. These profiles, and the difference profiles for selected active and quiescent objects
    Foing, B. H. et al.

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  • Chromospheric Magnetism and the Hanle Effect
    This article shows how some recent developments in the observation and theoretical modeling of weak polarization signals in chromospheric spectral lines are facilitating fundamental new advances in our ability to investigate the magnetism of the solar outer atmosphere via spectropolarimetry.
    Trujilo-Bueno, J.

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  • Chromospheric MG II H and K emissions free of interstellar contamination - Velocity structure in late-type dwarfs and giants
    The authors have used high resolution IUE spectra from their own studies and from the archive to examine the Mg II h and k chromospheric emission cores of a sample of late-type dwarfs and giants. Sharp photospheric absorptions were used to provide a velocity rest-frame with respect to each stellar photosphere with the IUE-limited precision of ±4 km
    Vladilo, G. et al.

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  • Circular polarization of the CA II H and K lines in solar quiet and active regions
    A representative set of profiles is presented for the Ca II H resonace line in Stokes V and I, for the quiet sun, plages, sunspot umbrae, and a flare, as well as one example of the Ca II K line in a sunspot penumbra. The degree of polarization is highest in the spots and zero in the quiet sun, within error limits. The V profile asymmetries are
    Martinez Pillet, V. et al.

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